Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Back to Office

This is the first day to work... How was it? Nothing much is happening except that I have to set up this blog as requested by my pet..... How long will this blog be maintained??? I got no idea..... as and when I can, I guess...

Today while I was on the way to this office, was listening to Glenn and the Flying Dutchman, they were commenting on the New Year Bash at VivoCity. I would agree that no program is definitely 100% accepted by everyone but give credit for the fact that it was a good bash. Don't pick try to pick the bones from the eggs - accept that there is no prefection and if you think you can do better, then you should try to do it and you will know how hard it is to put everything together.

I want to give applause to those back end staff who worked hard to make the show a success (I did not watch it and I am definitely not a pro-Singapore production person) but I guess if you had worked hard at this, you will definitely hope for encouragement and suggestions on how to make things better.

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