Sunday, August 10, 2008


Have you ever met someone who is totally a nuisance and a pain? But you told yourself that you must try to love or like this pain in the butt and to make the matter worse, she is still this irresponsible pain in the butt........... As much as I am trying to see the good side of her, there is really none that I can think of but I was still trying - I am now really giving up trying to see any good in her.... If there is any trouble, she will come looking for you. A PAIN..................

HELP ME...................

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Why is communication with the opposite gender so difficult? Because Men are like Waffles, and Women are Like Spaghettie by Bill and Pam Farrel.

Understanding your waffle man:

Men process life in boxes. If you look down at a waffle, you see a collection of boxes separated by walls. That is typically how a man processes life. Our thinking is divided ip into boxes that have room for one issue AND one issue ONLY. The first issue of life goes in the first box, the second goes in the second box and so on. The typical man then spends time in one box at a time AND one box ONLY. When a man is at work, he is at work. When he is in the garage tinkering around, he is in the garage tinkering. When he is watching TV, he is WATCHING TV! Social scientists call this "compartmentalising".

Understanding your spaghetti woman:

In contrast to men's waffle like approach, women process life more like a plate of spaghetti. If you look at a plate of spaghetti, you notice that there are individual noodles that all touch one another. If you attempted to follow one noodle around the plate, you would intersect a lot of other noodles and you might even switch to another noodle seamlessly. That is how women face life. This is why women are typically better at multi-tasking than men. She can talk on the phone, prepare a meal, make a shopping list, work on the planning for tomorrow's business meeting, give instructions to her children as they are going out to play and close the door with her foot without skipping a beat!

I really like this part where a conversation between a couple is going on:


Honey, I was driving by your favourite truck store yesterday, you know the one where you got the cup holder? Right by your truck store is my favourite dress store, and there is the cutest suit in the window. It's my colour, you know I went to that seminar on colours and I found out I was a "winter" so I knew if I got this suit you would say, "Oh Baby!" and I love that! You know the suit reminded me of the one Mrs Clinton wore for that press conference a few years ago. You know when she was talking about Eleanor Roosevelt talking to her? I wanted to say, " Hillary, Eleanor is dead!" That's so weird, thinking you are hearing from a dead person.

And ladies, all this while we men are asking, " So what about my truck?"


That I think is a good one to wrap up on the differences between Man and Woman

Thursday, February 21, 2008

What is Faith?

Faith is active and not passive.... Active faith believes without a single doubt - there is no maybes in active faith. It accepts that fact that it is done........ I wish I could have this kind of faith too........

I am not prefect but I am sure that I am on my way to prefection....... Life is a journey to be enjoyed with a big heart and love for others........

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Have Faith ~ God has not forgotten

This is a story which I really like and want to put it on the blog not just to encourage others but also myself:

"When my little son was about ten years old, his grandmother promised him a stamp collecting album for Christmas. Christmas came and went with no stamp album and no word from Grandma. The matter, however, was not mentioned, until his friends came to see his Christmas presents. I was astonished, after he had listed all the gifts he received, to hear him add, "And a stamp album from my grandmother."

After hearing this several times, I called my son to me and said, "But George, you didn't get a stamp album from Grandma. Why did you say you did?"

With a puzzled look on his face, as if I had asked a very strange question, he replied, "Well Mom, Grandma said, and that is the same as." Not a word from me would sway his faith.

A month passed and nothing else was said about the album. Finally one day, to test his faith and becaused I wondered in my own heart why the album had not been sent, I said,"George, I think Grandma has forgotten her promise."

"Oh no, Mom," he quickly and firmly responded."She hasn't."

I watched his sweet, trusting face, which for a while looked very serious, as if he were debating the possibility I had suggested. Soon his face brightened as he said, "Do you think it would do any good for me to write Grandma, thanking her for the album?"

"I don't know," I said, "but you might try it." A rich spiritual truth then began to dawn on me.

In a few minutes a letter was written and mailed, as George went off whistling his confidence in his grandma. Soon a letter from Grandma arrived with this message:

My dear George

I have not forgotten my promise to you for a stamp albulm. I could not find the one you wanted here, so I ordered one from New York. It did not arrive until after Christmas, and it was not the right one. I then ordered another but it still has not arrived. I have decided to send you thirty dollars instead so that you may buy the one you want in Chicago.

Your loving Grandma.

As he read the letter, his face was the face of a victor. From the depths of a heart that never doubted came the words, "Now, Mom, didn't I tell you?" George "against all hope... in hope believed (Rom 4:18) that the stamp album would come. And while he was trusting, Grandma was working, and in due time faith became sight.

It is only human to want to see before we step out on the promises of God. Yet our Savior said to Thomas and a long list of doubters who have followed, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" (John 20:29) - Mrs Round (From Streams in the Desert)

Monday, January 14, 2008

God's in every tomorrow

God is in every tomorrow,
Therefore I live for today,
Certain of finding at sunrise,
Guidance and strength for my way;
Power for each moment of weakness,
Hope for each moment of pain,
Comfort for every sorrow,
Sunshine and joy after rain.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Tiramisu - Home Delivery in Singapore

Tiramisu - Home Delivery in Singapore

Closure of Tiramisutra with effect from 23 Dec 2007 until indefinitely. Our last day of operations (including delivery) will be on 22 Dec 2007.

We wish to thank all our customers for all their support in the last 4 years.

On behalf of all at Tiramisutra, Thank you & Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Last evening, I board a SMRT taxi from Grand Hyatt back home. The conversation was most frustrating - think the taxi driver wants the best of the whole world. He asked me, want to go through the ERP at Far East so I said yes no problem to pay more. Then I said (blame my own big mouth), some of the passengers are not willing to pay for the ERP and go a longer way which takes up more time. Then the driver started - you cannot like that say, you know some people are not rich (in my mind is, not rich then don't take but if you are already in a hurry to get from one destination to another, will you really bother about the few dollars more?).... and kept insisting that the authority could have done better than just allow the price of the cabs to go up, etc..... Then he said that you know taxi drivers also got family and it is very tough for them..... So where is his standing point? I guess he is saying that the taxi drivers are suffering as people are feeling the pinch and will take lesser cabs rides.

And he is so stubborn - I am a communter and have tried to call for a cab for 2 hours in my office but was told there is no taxi by not just one but a few taxi companies. But yet, he can still tell me that I am young and without a family that is why I do not understand. What an insult to me, just because I am willing to pay for the cab does not mean that I am young and do not respect the value of money..... To me, if that uncle is so unhappy with driving the cab, then return the cab to the company and get employed....

But good lesson for me also.... Dun talk to STRANGERS....